Excursion to the National Library of Uzbekistan named after A.Navoi

Excursion to the National Library of Uzbekistan named after A.Navoi

 November 22, 2019 the 1st year students of the BHN-01 and BILM-01 groups of the department of “Budget Accounting and Treasury” and their teachers of the department of “Budget Accounting and Treasury” D.R.Shaimardanova and A.M.Aripova visited the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, where they was organized an excursion with the involvement of library workers.


 The excursion starts with a visit to the museum of ancient books. Further, the excursionists gradually familiarized with the reading rooms and halls, the procedure for searching and obtaining the necessary literature in them, as well as with additional services provided by the library staff. At the end of the excursion, students were invited to the registration room, where they received detailed information about the registration process, the guide encouraged students to visit the National Library frequently and actively to use its fund.



18:20 / 2019-11-24
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